TTRPG & Wargaming Gloucester.

Welcome to Otts Workshop - Your Gateway to Adventure and Community in Gloucester!

We are thrilled to announce our exciting new partnership with the TTRPG & Wargaming Gloucester Club. At Otts Workshop, we are dedicated to supporting the Gloucester community and acting as the club's official platform for membership and games.

Join us as we embark on this epic journey! Our soft launch on the 11th of July was a resounding success, with fantastic Dungeons & Dragons games that brought together players and Dungeon Masters in unforgettable adventures. Now, we're expanding our horizons, inviting everyone to be a part of this amazing community.

Our spacious venue is primed to welcome more players, Dungeon Masters, and Game Masters. Together, we'll create something truly special. To celebrate this partnership, we have an exclusive offer for you: Your first day at Otts Workshop includes a FREE miniature and a complimentary gaming session.

That's not all! We've crafted incredible deals to enhance your gaming experience. Opt for our gold membership and receive 4 miniatures each month, all for just ~£10.00, excluding the monthly subscription for the club.

Wondering where to find us? You can locate us at Southgate St, Gloucester GL1 1TP. Currently, our Wednesday sessions are in full swing, but we have grand plans to expand to more days as our community grows.

Are you new to DND? No worries! We've got you covered. We provide character sheets, pencils, and even have dice you can borrow if needed. It's the perfect opportunity for both seasoned DND players and newcomers to dive into the thrilling world of role-playing.

Don't miss out on this extraordinary chance to be part of an ever-growing community of gamers and adventurers. Get in touch with Scott barker at 07775303336 or Kenny collins @ottsworkshop, at   07521241910 for more details and to book your spot.

Come and experience the magic of Otts Workshop - where imagination knows no bounds, and friendships are forged through the power of games. See you soon!

Dnd game!